Transportation Master Plan Update

Last June, Council approved the scope of work for completing the Transportation Master Plan update including updates to the Active Transportation Plan with the intended completion date of April 2022. This deadline was created based on the key milestones listed in the Scope of Work including; a new Origin-Destination Survey, coordination with the Official Plan review, and public consultation milestones.  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be some changes with respect to the timing for this much anticipated Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update. 

The first phase of public consultation was completed in January 2020. The second phase of consultation began in February 2020 and was scheduled to be completed in May 2020. This phase has been extended into the fall to ensure enough time for public consultation. Online consultations for this phase will begin shortly. 

Given the ongoing impacts and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the TMP Update funding project partners have agreed that travel patterns across the City of Ottawa will not have returned to normal by the Fall of 2020. Hence, any data collected in this time period would not reflect the long-term trends valuable to the development of the priority network for implementation as part of the TMP Update. The Origin-Destination Survey set to begin in October 2020 has now been deferred until Fall 2021. This means that it will not be possible to complete the TMP Update in the originally planned timeframe. To accommodate the new Origin-Destination Survey timing, the Municipal Election in October 2022, and transition to a new Term of Council, the new completion date for the TMP Update and the new Active Transportation Plan is the Fall of 2023.  

In the meantime, staff will continue their focus on transit, road, cycling and sidewalk projects based on the current TMP and the 2019 City-Wide Development Charges Background Study and subject to annual capital budget approvals.   

Other important elements that continue to move forward include: 

  • The Development of the new Official Plan. 
  • Exploring emerging issues such as alternative funding sources, “new mobility” and climate change mitigation in transportation planning. 
  • Transportation policy review and development.  
  • Identifying missing links in the active transportation network. 
  • Developing criteria for prioritization of projects. 
  • Updating project costs. 
  • Public engagement.  

You can find further information and updates here.  

New Roundabout at Huntmar and Richardson Side Road

Beginning in August, the city will start constructing a new roundabout at the Huntmar Drive and Richardson Side Road intersection. The work will include the construction of a single entry and exit roundabout with a pedestrian crossing around the intersection that will provide a connection to the paved shoulders of the road. 

This much-needed roundabout will improve traffic flow and enhance the safety for all road users. Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of fall 2020. Residents can expect intermittent lane closures on both Huntmar Drive and Richardson Side Road during non-peak traffic periods. Access to local businesses and properties, and to cycling and pedestrians will be maintained.  

Campeau Drive Extension Project Update

The Campeau Drive Extension project is well underway. Unlike many other projects, the Province has not suspended work on this project due to COVID-19. The city is continuing to work closely with the contractor to ensure strict safety measures are being followed.


Ground broke for this project in January 2020. To date, the crews have been hard at work on many tasks, including:

  • Earth excavation, site grading, and granular work for new roadways.
  • Placement of lightweight fill material used to prevent roadway resettlement due to soil shifting.
  • Utility installation.
  • Commencement of watermain and storm sewer installation.
  • Work for Carp River Bridge including east and west supports, forming for bridge deck, concrete frame, and foundation work.

In the coming weeks, the following work can be expected, weather permitting:

  • Continued earth excavation and granular work.
  • Storm sewer and watermain installations.
  • Utility installation, including new street lighting.
  • Installation of new curbs and sidewalks.
  • Continued work on the Carp River bridge including pouring of the foundation, forming of the bridge deck and installation of the deck support frame.

Residents may experience traffic interruptions near the Didsbury Road and Campeau Drive intersection to allow for sewer, watermain, and roadwork. Periodic off-peak lane closures or roadway narrowing may be experienced to allow for layout and utility investigation work.

June 2020 Transportation Updates

Councillor Sudds shared many transportation updates at the June committee meeting. These updates can be seen in the attached presentation. The topics include:

  • Trailhead Signs
  • March Road Repaving/Cycling Improvements
  • Herzberg Sewer Project
  • Sidewalk Projects
  • Temporary Traffic Calming Measures
  • Campeau Road
  • Huntmar Environmental Study
  • OC Transpo Service Changes

OC Transpo identifies 12 priority projects in 2020 Business Plan

On Feburary 19, the City of Ottawa’s Transit Commission received a 2020 Business Plan report that identifies 12 priority projects and initiatives that OC Transpo will focus on for the remainder of the year.

The 12 projects align with Council’s priorities, the 2020 budget, customer feedback and directions received through the Transit Commission. They include:

  • Customer Service Improvement – All Channels
  • Para Transpo Online Services
  • Presto Enhancements for Customers
  • First Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer Report – Line 1
  • New OC Transpo Performance Measurement and Reporting System 
  • Marketing and Advertising to Build Ridership
  • Roll-out of Retail
  • Alternative Fuels Program for OC Transpo Fleet
  • Review of Advertising – Line 1
  • Interprovincial Transit Service
  • Promoting Respect and Inclusivity in the Workplace
  • Stage 2 Preparations 

Transportation Master Plan Update

On November 30 the City of Ottawa held a workshop with the Federation of Citizens Associations (FCA) regarding the Transportation Master Plan Update. The TMP is a companion document to the City’s Official Plan, which outlines how people & goods will move in our city – on foot, by bike, by bus/LRT, by vehicle. It plans where pedestrian, cycling, transit & road networks will go (and when, and what priority).

View Presentation

New Left Turn Signal: Terry Fox Dr to Kanata Ave

There is now a a fully protected left turn light was at the intersection of Terry Fox Drive (south) and Kanata Avenue. It was installed earlier this month.

The installation of this signal is due to the effort by the Kanata Lakes Community Association. There were numerous collisions at this intersection and KLCA requested the city to conduct a study and install this dedicated left turn light.

School Active Transportation Planning comes to Kanata North

Georges Vanier Catholic School and Stephen Leacock Public School have recently joined School Active Transportation Planning. The program aims to increase the number of students walking and wheeling to/from school on a regular basis. Whether a child walks to school or to a school bus stop, the fresh air, exercise, and time with friends all support children’s physical and mental well-being and their growing independence. In addition, air pollution and traffic around the schools during bell times decreases, benefitting the entire community!

If you would like….

School Active Transportation Planning is funded by Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) and the City of Ottawa, and is delivered by EnviroCentre in partnership with Ottawa Public Health.

Construction Starts on the Campeau Drive Extension

The much anticipated construction of the Campeau Drive extension has begun. The construction involves extending the road and building a bridge over the Carp River. The extension will connect Campeau Drive from Didsbury Road to Country Glen Drive and is expected to be completed by October 2021.  

The bridge will have four travel lanes with a 5m median. Each side will have sidewalks and bike lanes with barrier curbs between bike and vehicle lanes. Solid white lanes and bike symbols will be used to delineate sidewalks and bike lanes.  

New Bike Route Planner

BikeOttawa has introduced a new bike route planner: You can plan and explore your route based on OpenStreetMap crowd-sourced pathways map. Use the “fine tune” feature to find a route acceptable to you.