The Kanata North Transportation Committee’s (KNTC) position statement regarding Bill 212 (Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act 2024 [1])

Bill 212 would amend the Highway Traffic Act to require Ministry approval before municipalities may construct bicycle lanes in certain circumstances; namely, where the number of lanes for motor vehicle traffic would be reduced, or where the municipality is prescribed by regulation to seek Ministry approval.  Bill 212 would also remove the existing bicycle lanes on portions of Bloor Street, Yonge Street, and University Avenue in Toronto.

Given the limited time for submission of comments on this proposed bill, the KNTC would like to provide some concerns raised by our members. We would note that more time would allow for a more detailed examination of the impact of Bill 212 on cycling infrastructure in our community.

Some of the points raised by our committee are as follows:

  1. Numerous studies ([2], [3]) have shown that adding lanes for motor vehicles does not actually improve traffic congestion, due to induced demand.
  2. Bicycle lanes have been shown to improve safety for all road users, while increasing the number of cyclists using the road ([4], [5]).
  3. Bicycle lanes provide economic benefits; they have been shown to increase the number of customers, as well as the amount spent, at businesses nearby ([6], [7]).
  4. Bicycle lanes can help reduce congestion, by taking single-occupant vehicles off the road.
  5. The eastern section of Campeau Drive is an example of a major arterial road in Kanata North that is slated for upgrading to accommodate increased use by vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. There is plenty of room in existing road allowance to build safe cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. The province would be a welcome partner in the planning and funding of this project.
  6. By allowing the provincial government to overrule elected Councillors and Mayors, the bill denies citizens the right to representation in decisions involving their own local road networks.
  7. In cases where the Province has concerns about the impact on traffic flow resulting from a proposed cycling infrastructure on a major road, the Province should be prepared to work with the City to develop a solution that supports vehicular and cycling traffic. This should include a funding contribution from the Province.

KNTC urges the Ontario government to reconsider this legislation, and to look for ways to collaborate with municipalities to find solutions in high volume traffic corridors.

Your consideration in this matter is much appreciated.


Jacques Rochon

Kanata North Transportation Committee


Campeau Drive Extension Opens Ahead of Schedule for Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Vehicles

The city is pleased to announce that Campeau Drive from Country Glen Way to Didsbury Road is now fully open. Last week, sidewalks and cycling lanes opened for use from the Winterset Drive roundabout to the Kanata Commons. Grab your bike, take a walk or a drive through the completed new project!

Completed ahead of schedule, the Campeau Drive Extension creates an important connection to new developments and businesses and improves capacity in a key commuting corridor.

The project included the construction of a four-lane road, segregated cycling lanes, sidewalks, a roundabout at Winterset Road, two signalized intersections at Kanata Commons and Didsbury Road and a new bridge over the Carp River.

This project is part of the affordable road network outlined in the City’s Transportation Master Plan. The approved budget for this project was $32 million.

Photo 1: View of Campeau Drive from Carp River Bridge looking east.

Photo 2: View of Campeau Drive looking east toward Carp River Bridge.

In the coming weeks, residents can expect to see minor final work and cleanup throughout the project site. This includes minor landscaping and minor sewer work as well as the installation of a small section of pedestrian railing along the multi-use pathway. There will be no traffic or pedestrian impacts during this work.

Campeau Drive Extension Project Update

The Campeau Drive Extension is continuing to progress well. This project will create an important connection to new developments and improve capacity in a key commuting corridor. The project extends Campeau Drive from Country Glen Way to Didsbury Road. 

This project includes a four-lane road, segregated cycling lanes, sidewalks, a roundabout at Winterset Road, two signalized intersections at Kanata Commons and Didsbury Road and a new bridge over the Carp River. The project is expected to be completed in fall 2021. 

Construction on this project began in January 2020. The following progress has been made to date: 

  • Earth excavation, site grading and granular work for the new roadways. 
  • Curb and sidewalk placement. 
  • Asphalt placement for roadways and cycle tracks on Campeau Drive from Country Glen Way to Winterset Road. 
  • Placement of lightweight fill material and distribution slabs for the new Carp River bridge approaches. 
  • Pouring of the Carp River bridge including abutments, deck and barrier walls. 
  • Utility, watermain and storm sewer installations. 
  • Landscaping, line painting and sign installation (Country Glen Way to Winterset Road) to allow for this portion of the roadway to be opened in 2020. 
  • Installation of guide rails on approaches to the new bridge. 
  • Commencement of traffic signal works at the Campeau Drive and Kanata Commons and the Campeau Drive and Didsbury Road intersections. 
  • Commencement of landscaping from Winterset Road to Didsbury Road. 

The work on Campeau Drive between Country Glen and Winterset, looking west. 

The view on Campeau Drive looking east towards the Carp River Bridge 

The construction progress at the intersection of Campeau Drive and Kanata Commons, looking west. 

Next steps 

In the next couple of months, the following work can be expected: 

  • Adjustments to sewer maintenance covers as well as base course asphalt paving on Campeau Drive from Winterset Road to Didsbury Road 
  • Surface asphalt placement and line painting throughout project limits. Completion of utility installations including street lighting and traffic signals.  
  • Installation of traffic signs at Didsbury Road/Campeau Drive and Kanata Commons Road/Campeau Drive intersections 
  • Work on the Carp River bridge including the installation of railings. 
  • Completion of landscaping. 

 Upcoming traffic impacts 

Campeau Drive between Country Glen Way and Winterset Road opened at the end of 2020 although some work remains in this area. Traffic interruption can be expected to allow for completion of minor work including sewer inspections, adjustments to sewer maintenance covers, as well as surface asphalt placement and line painting. 

Traffic interruptions can be expected near the Didsbury Road/Campeau Drive and Kanata Commons Road/Campeau Drive intersections and between the intersections to allow for roadwork and delivery of material to the site. Traffic will be directed by on-site flag persons and will be controlled with construction signage. Cycling and pedestrian access will be maintained. Periodic off-peak lane closures or roadway narrowing may be experienced. Please make sure to pay attention to on-site signage. 

Access to Kanata Commons community and to businesses will be maintained at all times. 

Material delivery and construction access to the site will continue along Campeau Drive from Terry Fox Drive/Highway 417 and/or Palladium Drive/Highway 417. 

The project will remain closed to traffic (vehicles and pedestrians) between Winterset Road and Kanata Commons until the work is completed.    

CN Railway Corridor Acquisition Plans

Councillor Sudds has announced that the city is looking into acquiring the former railway corridor known as the Beachburg Subdivision, with the intention of protecting it for future transportation use as a year-round recreational trail. 

This corridor is approximately 35.2 kilometres long with a width of 30 metres. It passes through the western Greenbelt south and west of the Department of National Defence facilities; along the eastern edge of Kanata past existing employment and residential areas and the approved Kanata North urban expansion lands; and through farmland, forest or country lot subdivisions in the rural area to the Ottawa River. 

The corridor includes approximately seven bridges and 52 culverts. The rail corridor has not been used for many years and the railway tracks and ties have been removed. This is a wonderful way to revitalize, and reinvent underutilized property and promote greenspace use in our community.  

The city presently owns several active and former rail corridors. Some of these corridors have become part of the O-Train Light Rail Transit system and others have been improved as popular multi-use trails for an interim community benefit and used and maintained under agreements with local snowmobile clubs for winter rural recreation. 

Like other city-owned rail corridors, interim use of this corridor as a year-round recreational trail would have numerous benefits and it would be very popular with our community. 

Property sketch of former railway corridor known as Beachburg Subdivision 

The corridor extends from 64.5 metres north of the junction with the Renfrew rail corridor in the Greenbelt, through Kanata North and the rural area to Morris Island Drive, just east of the Ottawa River. 

The city will examine the condition and financial needs of the structures. In that regard, an Engineering Consultant has been retained to identify, inspect, and estimate the renewal needs and costs of the structures in the corridor.  

The preliminary summary and related cost estimate will be complete by approximately September 3, 2021 and presented at the Finance and Economic Development Committee this fall.  

Sandhill Pathway: Current Conditions

Entrance from Hertzberg Road
Near old barn and farmhouse
Closed roadway
Running next to the golf course
Narrowing as pathway enters wooded area
First muddy section
Deep mud
The mud continues…
Approach to Carling Avenue

Construction on the new Kizell Pond Trail has started

Construction has started on the Kizell Pond Trail as well as a new parking lot for residents to easily access the trails. The trail can be accessed on the north side from Goulbourn Forced Road via a new parking lot under construction. The trail on the south side can also be accessed at various points in the Richardson Ridge and Kanata Estates subdivisions.  

The diagram below shows the new trails in orange. The numbered yellow circles are lookout points along the trail. 

Construction is currently underway with this forecasted timeline: 

  • Trail clearing for the South Side and North Side completed in April. “Clearing” is removal of any dead/dying trees within fall distance to the trail and removal of any trees in direct conflict with trail alignment.  
  • Construction of the seasonal parking area off Goulbourn Forced Road completed in April.   
  • The trail construction work will resume in May. A pause in the work is required due to environmental restrictions for construction work on/within Environmental Protected Area lands during bird breeding season. 
  • The North trail is scheduled for completion by the end of April and the South trail is scheduled for completion by the first week of June.  

These dates are forecasted but could vary based on the supply of materials, any further COVID-19 restrictions, as well as weather conditions.    

Campeau Drive Extension Update

Construction continues on the Campeau Drive extension project. Upon completion, this project will create an important connection to Arcadia, Tanger Outlets and the Kanata West Business Park. The project, which extends Campeau Drive from Country Glen Way to Didsbury Road, includes a four-lane road, segregated cycling lanes, sidewalks, the roundabout at Winterset Road, two signalized intersections at Kanata Commons and Didsbury Road, and a new bridge over the Carp River.  

This project was identified in the City’s Transportation Master Plan dating back to 2013 and is part of the affordable road network. The approved budget for this project is $32 million. Construction is anticipated to be completed this fall.  

Progress to date 

Since construction began in 2020, work continues to progress well. The following work has been completed to date:  

  • Earth excavation, site grading, and granular work for the new roadways 
  • Curb and sidewalk placement 
  • Asphalt placement for roadways and cycle tracks from Country Glen Way to Winterset Road  
  • Placement of lightweight fill material and distribution slabs for the new Carp River Bridge approaches  
  • Pouring of concrete for the Carp River bridge including abutments, deck, and barrier walls 
  • Utility, watermain, and storm sewer installations 
  • Line painting and sig installation from Country Glen Way to Winterset Road  
  • Installation of guide rails on approaches to the new bridge  

The view of work on Campeau Drive at the Carp River Bridge looking East. 

The view of work on Campeau Drive at the Carp River bridge looking West.  

Great progress at the Campeau Drive and Didsbury Road intersection looking West.  

Looking ahead 

The following work can be expected over the next couple of months:  

  • Granular placement and the installation of curbs/sidewalk and asphalt pavement placement on Campeau Drive from Winterset Road to Didsbury Road and on adjacent pathways/cycle facilities 
  • Minor work on Campeau Drive between Country Glen Way and Winterset Road including sewer inspections, adjustments to sewer maintenance covers as well as surface asphalt placement, and line painting 
  • Utility installations 
  • Work on the Carp River bridge including the installation of railings 
  • Placement of topsoil in boulevard areas 

Proposed Sidewalk Projects on parts of Varley Dr and Leacock Dr

The following new sidewalks are planned for the Kanata North neighbourhood of Beaverbrook:

  • Varley Drive west from Beaverbrook Road to Carr Crescent north (east side)
  • Varley Drive east from Beaverbrook Road to Milne Crescent north (west side)
  • Leacock Drive west from Beaverbrook Road to The Parkway (west side)

Some residents are concerned about pedestrian safety along Varley Drive and Leacock Drive. Having three elementary schools so close together, it adds a lot of traffic to the roads before and after school, which is particularly of concern during the winter months when streets are even narrower due to snow accumulations, and pedestrians are not able to easily avoid traffic by stepping on neighbouring lawns. Sidewalks greatly improve pedestrian safety on these streets.

These three sections of proposed sidewalk are listed within the Council-approved Ottawa Pedestrian Plan, which was part of the 2013 Transportation Master Plan. As per current city policies, Varley Drive and Leacock Drive are collector roads and should provide a pedestrian facility on both sides of the roadway. This requirement is especially important if the corridor is a public transit route, leads directly to public transit, fronts onto schools, parks, community facilities or leads directly to these.   

Due to budget constraints, the proposal for this project is to complete the inner loop of Varley Drive and the outer loop of Leacock Drive in order to fill in missing sidewalk pieces and provide a continuous and complete sidewalk. The work would connect to bus stops and provide connections to W. Erskine Johnston Public School, Georges Vanier Catholic School, Stephen Leacock Public School, Varley Park, Holly Acres Park, and Craig Park. 

The proposed sidewalks will be installed within the city’s right-of-way. Any additional requirements to accommodate the sidewalk will be identified during the study.

Halton Terrace Proposed Sidewalk Project

A new sidewalk is planned on the south side of Halton Terrace from Flamborough Way to Newcastle Avenue that will improve safety and connectivity within the community. You can share your feedback on October 6th at 7 p.m., during a virtual public consultation with city staff and me. Staff will provide a brief background and description of the proposed project and limits.

Currently, the project is in the early planning stages. When planning is complete, detailed design will begin and a construction timeframe will be determined. The sidewalk will be installed within the City’s right-of-way which means that landscaping, trees, retaining walls and other features may be impacted.  

This project is part of Phase 1 from the Council-approved Ottawa Pedestrian Plan which was part of the 2013 Transportation Master Plan. According to current City policies, Halton Terrace is a collector road and as such, it should have a sidewalk on both sides of the road. This requirement is especially important if the corridor is a public transit route, leads directly to public transit, fronts onto schools, parks, community facilities and leads directly to these.  

Between Newcastle Avenue and Flamborough Way, Halton Terrace has a bus stop on the south side of the road that does not meet accessibility standards. A complete sidewalk on the south side of Halton Terrace will provide safe and easy access to the bus stop for all users.  The completed sidewalk will also encourage fewer midblock crossings and create a safer pedestrian environment for those walking to Julie Payette Public Elementary School, Jack Donohue Public School, Klondike Road Park, Morgan’s Grant Woods Park and the pathway link to Beamish Crescent. 

Campeau Drive Extension Project Update

The Campeau Drive Extension project is progressing well. The Province has not suspended work on this project due to COVID-19. The City and contractor continue to work closely to ensure that all recommended safety measures are being followed.  

 Since ground broke on this project in January, the following tasks have been completed:  

  • Earth excavation, site grading and granular work for the new roadways.  
  • Commencement of curb and sidewalk placement.  
  • Placement of concrete slabs on top of previously poured light weight fill (this fill is used to reduce the load on subgrade soils). 
  • Utility installations.  
  • Completion of watermain installation.  
  • Work for Carp River Bridge including east and west supports, forming and reinforcement for the bridge deck. 

 Grading of Campeau Drive between Country Glen and Winterset Road  

Carp River Bridge Construction  

 You can expect the following work in the coming weeks, weather permitting:  

  • Granular placement on roadways and commencement of asphalt paving.  
  • Installation of curbs and sidewalks. 
  • Storm sewer installation. 
  • Utility installation (including work by Hydro and Bell). 
  • Continued work on the Carp River Bridge including pouring the deck and work on the approaches to the bridge.  

 Upcoming traffic impacts 

To allow for roadwork, and sewer and utility installations, traffic interruptions may be experienced near the Didsbury Road and Campeau Drive intersection. If required, periodic off-peak lane closures or roadway narrowing may occur. On-site flag persons and signage will be used to direct traffic.  

Access to the Kanata Commons community and to businesses will be maintained throughout construction.  

Construction access to the site and material delivery will continue along Campeau Drive from Terry Fox Drive and Highway 417 and/or Palladium Drive and Highway 417.